


  For a more professional Chinese French translation, it is necessary to use some translation skills. What are the common skills shared by Shanghai Zhenyun artificial translation agency?


  1. Part-of-speech conversion. Someone once said that Chinese is like a linear form of promotion, one ring by one and then unfolding step by step. French, on the other hand, blossoms everywhere from the structure of sentences and develops in many ways. Therefore, in the process of translating French into Chinese, because there are huge structural differences and differences in expression habits, it is often necessary to transform parts of speech in order to achieve the goal of sentence smoothness.


  2. Pronoun translation. Among you, pronouns often appear. Especially when it comes to the translation of personal pronouns, it may cause great difficulties for many translators. At this time, we can resort to the technique of duplicating nouns to translate relationships. Then it can not only better understand the various relationships in the original text, but also better and more accurately express them.

  3、减益法。在法语里面,为了能够更好地抢掉,或者是由于语句的表达习惯,通常就会采用各种重复,或者是意思差不多的语句来进行表达,那么我们将它翻译成汉语之后就会发现 ,过多的词语出现,好像显得很多余。这个时候我们就可以对词语进行适当的删减,当然是建立在不改变原文意思的基础之上。

  3. Deduction method. In French, in order to get rid of it better, or because of the expression habits of sentences, we usually use various repetitions, or sentences with similar meanings to express it. Then when we translate it into Chinese, we will find that too many words appear, which seems to be redundant. At this time, we can delete words appropriately, of course, on the basis of not changing the meaning of the original text.


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