


  Now there are more and more places where interpretation is needed. Now, Shanghai Zhenyun artificial translation agency will share with you some good ways to improve interpretation.


  1. Continuous practice


  If conditions permit, a group of two persons may be employed, one acting as the speaker and the other acting as the translator. If you are practicing, you can use visual translation. When you read newspapers, books or foreign magazines, take notes of some paragraphs and interpret them later.


  2. Take notes.


  Pay more attention to the unfamiliar places. It should be emphasized that the recording of Related words here should be given special attention to ensure that when translating, a string of beads can be connected with a single line.


  3. Good psychological quality.


  Reading aloud is a good way. You can also practice expressing your opinions and communicating with others in small meetings. If we can enhance our confidence and build up our courage by appearing on stage in some more formal competitions and performances, it will be even better.

 4、 需要口译时,提前做好准备工作.

  4. Prepare for interpretation in advance


  The key points of the meeting, the caliber of the conference and the technical terms to be involved in the visit should be grasped as much as possible, so that the translation can be done easily.


  These are just the same parts, and different environments should be treated accordingly.


我们凭借多年的翻译经验,坚持以“用诚心、责任心服务每一位客户”为宗旨,累计为5000多家客户提供品质翻译服务,得到了客户的一致好评。如果您有证件翻译盖章、书面翻译、各类口译、配音字幕、移民翻译、本地化服务等方面的需求... ... 请立即点击咨询我们或拨打咨询热线: 400-661-5181,我们会详细为您一一解答您心中的疑惑。


