


  Science and technology language is very rigorous, highly professional language, and the requirements for translators are very high. What are the difficulties of science and technology translation shared by Shanghai Zhenyun Manual Translation Agency?


  1. The terminology accuracy of scientific and technological translation refers to the fields involved in science and technology, so its terminology is mostly very remote, even new words created independently, and also involves the extension of many commonly used words. To ensure the accuracy of scientific and technological translation, translators must have a deeper understanding of the relevant knowledge in the field of Science and technology. Understanding, if you are not familiar with the field of science and technology, lack of professional terms, inaccurate translation of terms, or even mistranslation, will affect the quality of translation, and may cause incalculable losses.


  2. The syntactic norms of scientific and technological translation. As mentioned above, scientific and technological language is a very rigorous and professional language. Different languages have different grammatical problems. If we do not have enough understanding of the grammar and sentence structure of the two languages, it will be difficult to ensure the clarity of sentence meaning in the process of translation. Naturally, it is impossible to guarantee the fluency of word order, and even obscure and difficult to understand.


  3. The dissemination of scientific and technological translation, that is, the readability of the content and the acceptability of the audience, lies in the organic combination of terminological accuracy and syntactic normativeness. However, we should not blindly pursue the readability of the content, but try to make the translation as easy as possible under the premise of ensuring the accuracy of the translation and the fluency of the sentence order. This is the most difficult point to achieve as well as the test of the comprehensive strength of the interpreter.

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