


  In order to improve the translation ability, it needs accumulated practical experience. How to improve the translation skills today?

  1.加强自身的基本素养建设 译员必须要具备基本的道德素养,亦即对翻译者的基本要求。除了基本最基本的但的素养以及严肃认真的态度之外,还应该有英语水平、汉语修养和专业知识。翻译实践表明,这三方面的素养越高,越能顺利地完成翻译工作。关于英语水平,应注意打牢基础,扩词汇量,广泛阅读,最好能听、说、读、写、译五方面训练同时并进,较之单攻翻译能更快提高英语水平。在汉语修养方面,应加强语法、逻辑、修辞等方面知识的研修,多阅读、多些写作、多练习修改文章。在学科专业知识方面,要努力精通本职业务,多了解相关专业知识;经常阅览国内、外护理专业期刊,掌握学科发展动态。

  1. To strengthen the construction of basic literacy, translators must have basic moral literacy, that is, the basic requirements for translators. In addition to basic but basic literacy and serious attitude, there should be English level, Chinese culture and professional knowledge. Translation practice shows that the higher the quality of these three aspects is, the more smoothly the translation can be completed. As for English level, we should pay attention to lay a solid foundation, expand our vocabulary and read widely. It's better to train in listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation at the same time, so as to improve our English level faster than single attack translation. In the aspect of Chinese cultivation, we should strengthen the study of grammar, logic, rhetoric and other knowledge, read more, write more and practice revising more. In terms of professional knowledge, we should strive to be proficient in our own business and know more about relevant professional knowledge; we should often read domestic and foreign nursing journals to grasp the development trend of the discipline.

  2.在翻译的过程中不断的积累经验 翻译是一项语言活动,具有很强的实践性和创造性。翻译和数学是一样的,需要通过题海战术来得到锻炼和提高。当然,实践也要讲究科学性。初学者最好是先找一些难度切合自己水平且有汉语译文的材料进行翻译练习。自己的译文写成后同人家的译文相对照。先看看自己在理解方面是否准确,其次看看自己的表达是否符合汉语的语言习惯,从中找到不足。随着水平的提高,可找些比较简单的本专业基础知识方面的文章进行翻译,以后逐步过渡到英文护理文献的翻译。坚持循序渐进多翻译多投稿,定会果实累累。在时间允许的情况下,最好能坚持每天都多少搞点翻译。随着时间的推移,一定会有长进。

  2. It is a language activity to accumulate experience in the process of translation, which has strong practicality and creativity. Translation is the same as mathematics, which needs to be exercised and improved through Sea exercises. Of course, practice should also be scientific. The best way for beginners is to find some materials that are difficult to meet their own level and have Chinese translation for translation practice. When his own translation is finished, it is compared with that of others. First, see if you are accurate in understanding, and then see if your expression is in line with the Chinese language habits, to find out the deficiencies. With the improvement of the level, we can find some relatively simple articles about the basic knowledge of this specialty for translation, and then gradually transition to the translation of English nursing literature. Adhere to the principle of step-by-step translation and submission, and you will be fruitful. If time permits, it's better to insist on doing some translation every day. With the passage of time, there will be progress.

  3.取其精华去其糟粕,推陈出新 初学者可以多参考一些有英文注释的读物进行对照阅读。通过对比分析,可以找出自己的差距,学习和吸收他人在理解原文精神和翻译表达等方面的长处,促进翻译能力的提高。如果是自己选材进行英语翻译,当遇到问题难以解决时,要虚心向他人求教。另外经常阅读一些有关翻译技巧的书籍,也有助于翻译能力的提高。与此同时,还要有敢于创新的精神。在翻译过程中,既不能拘泥于别人提供的译文,也不能受囿于以往形成的条条框框。

  3. take its essence to its dregs, introduce new, beginners can refer to some English annotated readings for comparative reading. Through comparative analysis, we can find out our own gap, learn and absorb the strengths of others in understanding the spirit of the original text and translation expression, and promote the improvement of translation ability. If you choose your own materials for English translation, when you encounter problems that are difficult to solve, you should be open-minded and ask others for advice. In addition, reading some books about translation skills often is also helpful to improve the translation ability. At the same time, we should have the spirit of innovation. In the process of translation, we should neither stick to the translation provided by others nor be restricted by the rules and regulations formed in the past.


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