


  More and more people begin to learn other languages to add a skill to themselves. Many people will choose to learn German. What are the main points of German translation shared by Shanghai Zhenyun artificial translation company?


  German is a very difficult language to learn. In addition to grammar, sentence patterns are totally different from Chinese and English. This brings a lot of trouble to those who study German translation. Words are also extremely complex. When memorizing German nouns, you need to remember not only their parts of speech, but also their plural forms. However, there are no obvious rules, which is very difficult for beginners. Generally speaking, beginners can only memorize hard words by rote. After their vocabulary reaches a certain level, they can find some rules by themselves.


  German verbs are the most complex. There are many kinds of changes in a verb. The first person, the second person, the third person, the past tense, the first, the second participle, the virtual form, and some have to change the sound (special changes). In addition to the transitive and the inferior, there are specific matches (the third case or the fourth case). Although it is so complex, many people have learned it. The more they master it, the more they will learn it We will find it more and more simple. Of course, it also requires hard work. Anything that has to be paid will be rewarded.


  There are two sides to everything, complicated ones and better ones. German words generally don't list phonetic symbols, even new words are no exception, so after mastering German pronunciation rules, you can read German articles smoothly, so beginners must pay attention to language learning.


  Like other foreign languages, learning German requires perseverance. As long as you make up your mind, take out your perseverance, listen more, read more and recite more. Practice more. Everything is the same. The more you give, the more you will get.


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