


  Translation is more of a literal difficulty, so how to improve the quality of document translation? Shanghai Zhenyun artificial translation company will show you:

  1. Good document handling habits

  ① 在没有另外审校人员的情况下,我们建议:至少要为每一篇文章建3个文件夹,分别是source, process和target。顾名思义,这三个文档分别用来存放原稿、过程稿和终稿。原稿是意义非常重要,因为一旦直接在原文上进行处理,而无法撤回,会造成不必要的麻烦,完成后也无法回看。而终稿的意义在于,如果有交叉审校人员,最终呈现出的稿件模样和我们的process很可能是不一样的。对比学习,有利于我们提高自身水平,也是一套翻译流程的结尾,有头有尾才是好的习惯。

  ① In the absence of other reviewers, we suggest that at least three folders should be created for each article, namely source, process and target. As the name implies, these three documents are used to store the original, process and final drafts respectively. The original is of great significance, because once it is directly processed in the original, and cannot be withdrawn, it will cause unnecessary trouble and cannot be read back after completion. The significance of the final draft is that if there are cross reviewers, the final draft will appear different from our process. Comparative learning helps us to improve our own level, and it is also the end of a set of translation process. It is a good habit to have a head and a tail.

  ② 熟练的office能力。对office的各项软件、尤其是word中的各菜单、快捷键的熟练掌握,会帮助我们大大提升文档处理的速度。另外,养成随手保存的好习惯哦!

  ② Good office skills. Mastering all kinds of office software, especially the menus and shortcut keys in word, will help us greatly improve the speed of document processing. In addition, form a good habit of keeping it at will!

  2. Logical structure


  Whether it is translation or modification, the logic of the document must be clear, and there must be a certain order and connection between paragraphs, chapters and chapters. This is especially reflected in English documents.

  3. Unification of layout


  The "board" here refers to the unified board of the whole document. Including but not limited to:

  a. 字体字号「比如大标题统一用Arial 二号加粗,小标题统一用Arial 四号加粗,标题统一为每个实词与四个及四个以上字母单词首字母大写」;

  a. Font size: "for example, the big title is bold with Arial 2, the small title is bold with Arial 4, and the title is capitalized with each real word and four or more letter words.";

  b. 行距和字符间距「根据不同的文档需求」;

  b. Line spacing and character spacing "according to different document requirements";

  c. 页眉页脚「通常英文文档的页眉页脚不能是中文」;

  c. Header and footer "usually the header and footer of an English document cannot be Chinese";

  d. 隐藏字符「删除」;

  d. Hidden character delete;

  e. 层级标题区分「比如一级章节用1、2、3,二级标题用小括号1、2、3」;

  e. For example, the first level chapter uses 1, 2 and 3, and the second level chapter uses brackets 1, 2 and 3;


  Punctuation "for example, in English, there are basically straight quotation marks, without black and thick quotation marks";


  In this part, we mainly need to pay attention to two aspects.

  ① 注意使用英文的板式,比如标点、字体。需要特别指出的是,有时候我们会混入一些中文字符「尤其会有一些中文空格,不易察觉」,需要剔除中文字符。同时,请留意英文的基本的一些板式,和中文略有不同「比如没有书名号,段首不需要缩进」。

  ① Pay attention to the use of English plate, such as punctuation, font. It should be noted that sometimes we will mix in some Chinese characters, "especially some Chinese spaces, which are not easy to detect", and we need to remove the Chinese characters. At the same time, please pay attention to some basic patterns in English, which is slightly different from that in Chinese: "for example, there is no title of a book, and the first paragraph does not need to be indented.".

  ② 具体见下文:4. 风格的一致。要注意保持风格一致,不要出现字体混杂、样式混乱的文档。

  ② See below for details: 4. Consistency of style. Pay attention to keep the style consistent and avoid documents with mixed fonts and disordered styles.

  4. Consistency of style


  Each kind of document and article has its own style. In general, we need to keep the same style for the same kind of documents and the same style for the same article.

  ① 针对英语中“两者皆可”的情况,自己设定一个规则「即两者选其一,并且整个文档只选择这一个,保持内部一致」。语法正确的大前提下,不乏“两者皆可”的情况。比如,ABC三者并列,第三个并列项and C之前,可以加逗号,也可不加,都没有错误——皆可。但是在同一篇文章中,译者加不加逗号应当保持一致。如果第一段中加逗号,即A, B, and C,出于风格一致、制作严谨文档的考虑,应该在之后遇到类似情况都加逗号。否则,即使不算错误,没有歧义,也是不严谨的文档。

  ① In view of the situation that "both are available" in English, I set a rule of "i.e. select one of them, and only one of them is selected for the whole document, so as to maintain internal consistency". Under the premise of correct grammar, there is no lack of "both are available". For example, before the third item and C, you can add a comma, or you can not add it. There is no mistake - all. But in the same article, the translator should be consistent without comma. If comma is added in the first paragraph, i.e. a, B, and C, for the sake of consistent style and rigorous documentation, comma should be added in similar cases later. Otherwise, even if it is not a mistake, there is no ambiguity, it is not a rigorous document.

  ② 术语一致。同一篇文档内,术语一致,不仅仅是为了方便读者理解,也是为了全文统一严谨的文风。或许文中有些术语是从各个文献中引用过来,那么在篇与篇之间,对于同一术语的表述很可能不同。比如“与HBV-related”和“HBV-associated”表达的同一个意思。除非是完整引用,否则,在纳入同一篇文档中,我们需要将其统一修改。

  ② Consistent terminology. In the same document, the terms are consistent, not only for the convenience of readers to understand, but also for the unity and rigorous style of the full text. Perhaps some terms in the text are quoted from various literatures, so the expression of the same term is likely to be different between articles. For example, "related with HBV" and "associated with HBV" express the same meaning. Unless it is a complete reference, we need to modify it uniformly in the same document.


  ③ The same style is also reflected in the discourse processing. From the perspective of readability, it is better to have only one subject for each paragraph: "if not, it is better to be able to modify to the same, or at most two, and the two are better connected." each paragraph should not exceed four to five sentences. No more than 20 words in each sentence "no more than 30 at most". A consistent style like this will improve the quality of the document.

  与此同时,还需要考虑以下情况:非常用术语「比如Shenzhen Media Group简称为SZMG」第一次出现时,要给出全称「常用术语,如DNA、IT、GDP等耳熟能详的就不用如此」;句首不用阿拉伯数字;单词拼写规范,不用词的缩略形式「不用mkt表示marketing」;表达全部拼写出来,不缩略「比如不用don't而用do not」;不用过时词汇「如thereafter等古体词」。

  At the same time, we need to consider the following situations: the very term "such as Shenzhen media When szmg is abbreviated to group for the first time, the full name "common terms, such as DNA, it, GDP and so on, should be given; Arabic numerals should not be used at the beginning of sentences; the spelling of words should be standardized, and the abbreviation" MKT is not used for marketing "should not be used; the expressions should be spelled out completely, and the abbreviation" do not use don't, for example " It does not use the archaic words such as "thereaft".


  Translators with more personalities can also list their own styles in word selection and sentence selection, such as using more short words and sentences, using more active voice, etc.


  In a word, standardization, clarity and consistency are the most important parts of a high-quality document.


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