


  Law involves many fields of knowledge and requires a high level of translators. It is the most formal of all kinds of English. What are the characteristics of legal translation shared by Shanghai Zhenyun translation company?


  First of all, legal translation certainly needs to be accurate and correct, which is necessary, not only for legal translation, but also for other fields. In order to maintain the stability of legal terms and the consistency of concept expression, the legal and judicial circles in Britain and the United States often adhere to the consistent principle, resulting in the retention of the traditional expression of legal English And obviously different from other industry terms.


  Secondly, the law is very solemn and cannot be profaned. The solemnity of legal language is mainly reflected in the particularity of legal vocabulary, which is reflected in the following aspects: (1) common vocabulary with legal professional meaning; (2) specific legal professional terms; (3) the use of ancient English words; (4) the vast majority of English Loanwords come from French and Latin. (5) Fuzzy words


  Thirdly, the translation of law is also very complicated. The complex noun structure and the frequent use of passive sentences are the syntactic features of legal English. The use of compound conditional adverbial clauses and high-frequency prepositional phrases make it more difficult to understand legal language.


  Finally, since the law has played a certain role in restricting, the potential must be normative. However, China and the United States belong to different legal systems and implement different legal systems. Therefore, when we study legal English, we not only need to understand the commonly used format of judicial documents, but also learn to draft such documents.


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