


  Learning Korean requires not only a good grasp of grammar knowledge, but also continuous oral training?


  1、 Pay too much attention to pronunciation


  Paying too much attention to pronunciation is that many learners deliberately learn Korean pronunciation while learning Korean, but fail to grasp the real essence. Language learning is generally from a young age, want to speak a pure and authentic Korean, unless you are from primary school, or naturally there is a native accent. Even if the Chinese speak Putonghua, there are differences among different people. There is no need to deliberately pursue all the time, as long as they can communicate normally.


  2、 Too blind imitation of Korean Drama

  很多人学习韩语是因为韩剧。要么是被剧中的语言吸引而想要学习韩语,要么是希望通过学习韩语而可以看韩剧不需要字幕。不管是因为哪个原因,很多人会受到剧情的影响,然而韩语是特殊的语言,有很多敬语和谦语,需要根据对话对象选择恰当的语气。 韩剧中情侣之间,朋友之间的对话是不适用于大部分日常生活,尤其是不适用于和刚认识的新朋友交流。 其次,韩剧中有大量不正式、不入流的口语。 如果你在现实中使用这些,以来不和语法规范,二来会遭人厌恶。

  Many people learn Korean because of Korean drama. Either they are attracted by the language of the play and want to learn Korean, or they want to watch Korean dramas without subtitles by learning Korean. No matter what the reason, many people will be affected by the plot. However, Korean is a special language, there are many honorific and humble words, so we need to choose the appropriate tone according to the dialogue object. The dialogue between lovers and friends in Korean drama is not suitable for most of daily life, especially for the communication with new friends. Secondly, there are a lot of informal and unofficial spoken language in Korean dramas. If you use these in real life, you will be disgusted by people.


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