


  After translators translate, there are professional reviewers to review the manuscript. What are the precautions of translation review? Shanghai Zhenyun Translation Co., Ltd


  1、 Content


  After looking at the format of the whole article, finding out the mistakes and adjusting them, we need to review the most important contents, mainly comparing the original document with the translated version to see if there are mistakes, missing translations, illogical sentences, unclear logical relations and other problems. These problems are inevitable in the process of translation, so if we find any problems, we should communicate with the translation teacher in time to make corrections, Ensure that the manuscript is delivered to the client in the most correct way.


  2、 Format


  First of all, it depends on whether the font is adjusted according to the customer's requirements, whether titles and proper nouns need to be capitalized or bold, and punctuation. Generally, Chinese and English punctuation occupy different characters, so we need to unify the punctuation. When adjusting paragraphs, we need to pay attention to that in Chinese articles, the first paragraph is empty with four space bars, but in Chinese, the first paragraph is empty with four space bars In English articles, the top case should be followed by a comma, a period and a semicolon.


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