


  Simultaneous interpretation is often used in large-scale meetings, business cooperation and other occasions, so the requirements for interpreters are very high. Shanghai Zhenyun translation company will introduce how to improve the ability of simultaneous interpretation?


  Shadow exercises: Shadow exercises are also called original language or monolingual retelling exercises. It is to read the speaker's speech or recorded news recordings and conference materials in the same language almost synchronously.


  Summary of original language: the practice of summary of original language is the continuation of shadow practice.

  译入语概述: 译入概述练习是在原语概述练习进行一段时间后将概述原语内容用译人语进行。

  Target language summary: the target language summary exercise is to summarize the content of the source language in the target language after a period of practice.

  视译: 视译是指同传译员拿着讲话人的发言稿,边听发言、边看原稿、边进行同声传译。

  Visual translation: visual translation refers to simultaneous interpreters taking the speeches of the speaker, listening to the speeches, reading the manuscripts, and simultaneous interpreting.


  Tape practice: simultaneous interpretation is a very practical activity, and the skills involved in it can only be mastered by learners through usual practice.


  Mock meeting: this exercise is mainly for organized classroom teaching. An interpreter who studies simultaneous interpreting can organize several or more enthusiasts to do this exercise. Practice requires simultaneous interpretation equipment.


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