


  More and more people work abroad, travel or study, so the demand for visa translation is increasing. What is the requirement for Shanghai Zhenyun translation company to share visa translation?

  1. 出国签证材料翻译要求翻译公司加盖翻译专用章,否则认为无效,大多数国家的相关机构要求双语认证的翻译公章(有个别不需要),具体的还需咨询相关国家的签证机构。

  1. the translation of visa materials for going abroad requires the translation company to affix special seal for translation, otherwise it is deemed invalid. Most relevant agencies in most countries require the translation official seal of bilingual certification (some do not need to be required), and the visa agencies of relevant countries shall be consulted for specific information.

  2. 译件需要翻译者签字,翻译者需要提供的信息为:原始文件的准确翻译、翻译日期、联系方式,具体更多要求要在跟相关机构说明后,给翻译公司说明。

  2. the translator shall sign the translation. The information required by the translator is: the accurate translation, translation date and contact information of the original documents. More details shall be explained to the translation company after the explanation with the relevant institutions.

  3. 盖章的要求:大多数情况盖章在文件每页右下角,也有左下角或下方正中位置,翻译公司公章一般要求中英双语公章以及中英双语专用章,盖章需要保证清晰。盖章是为了保证涉外资料与翻译件的一致性,各国的相关机构办理登记时需要翻译公司的盖章证明。

  3. requirements for seal: in most cases, the seal is in the lower right corner of each page of the document, and also has the lower left corner or the lower center position. The official seal of the translation company generally requires the Chinese English common seal and the special seal for Chinese and English. The seal shall be clear. Seal is to ensure the consistency between foreign-related materials and translated documents, the relevant agencies of various countries need the seal certificate of the translation company when they register.

  4. 对于原始文件的翻译,首先要保证的是准确,用词严谨,逻辑性强,避免产生歧义,一般选择经验丰富的专业翻译员。

  4. for the translation of original documents, the first thing to ensure is accuracy, rigorous use of words, strong logic, avoid ambiguity, generally select experienced professional translators.

  5. 需要随签证申请递交资料原件,尤其是出生、婚姻证明等原始文件,以及清晰的复印件,以免带来不必要的麻烦。

  5. the original documents, especially the original documents such as birth and marriage certificate, and clear copies shall be submitted with the visa application to avoid unnecessary troubles.

  6. 在办理相关材料时,建议客户多咨询办理的相关机构,弄清楚有无特殊要求,以及确保翻译机构是具有国家工商局颁发的营业执照的。翻译专用章具有法律效应,是得到法院、国际组织等认可的,客户的权益是得到保障的。

  6. when handling relevant materials, it is recommended that the client consult the relevant agencies to find out whether there are any special requirements and ensure that the translation agencies have the business license issued by the State Administration for Industry and commerce. The special translation chapter has legal effect, which is recognized by the court and international organizations, and the rights and interests of customers are guaranteed.

  7. 翻译盖章服务的核心和基础始终是翻译,而不是盖章,这一点是必须明确的,翻译的内容才是实际价值所在。

  7. the core and foundation of translation seal service is always translation, not seal. This point must be clear, and the content of translation is the actual value.


我们凭借多年的翻译经验,坚持以“用诚心、责任心服务每一位客户”为宗旨,累计为5000多家客户提供品质翻译服务,得到了客户的一致好评。如果您有证件翻译盖章、书面翻译、各类口译、配音字幕、移民翻译、本地化服务等方面的需求... ... 请立即点击咨询我们或拨打咨询热线: 400-661-5181,我们会详细为您一一解答您心中的疑惑。


