


  Translation services cover a wide range. Certificate translation is a common translation method. Shanghai Zhenyun translation company will share with you what certificate translation needs to know?


  What documents does the translation company translate


  When dealing with overseas study, visa, immigration and other businesses or returning to work, it is necessary to translate documents if the consistency between the original foreign-related materials and the translated documents is required. The provision of translation documents can facilitate the relevant registration business smoothly, and it cannot be handled if it is not provided as required. Translation documents include graduation certificate, household register, house property certificate, marriage certificate and other important documents related to themselves.


  What translation company are you looking for


  It should be noted that for the translation certificate, you should find a company registered with the Administration for Industry and commerce, that is, a formal and legal translation company. The certificate translation conducted in a legal company is recognized by the national unit, and the seal certificate issued by the translation company is also valid. Therefore, if you choose a translation company, you must find a qualified company that is more reliable, so that the translated documents can be effective.


  How soon can I get the translated documents


  Find a professional translation company to translate all kinds of certificates, so how long does it take to get these translation documents? How long can we get the translated documents is a matter of great concern to everyone. The translation level of different translation companies is different, and the translation time will be different. It is still necessary to consult the translation time given by the selected translation company. Generally, the length of translation time is affected by the number of translated documents.


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