


  Video translation requires very high professional ability. You can't tamper with the original text at will in the translation process. What are the precautions for video translation shared by Shanghai Zhenyun translation company?


  First of all, video translation needs to be translated according to the content of the original text. Frankly speaking, video translation is similar to translation. When translating, it needs to be translated according to the specific content of the document. When translating video, it also needs to understand the main content of the original video, then translate concisely and smoothly according to the content, and express the central idea completely.


  Secondly, when doing video translation, we need to consider the different structures of different languages and the reading habits suitable for readers. For a simple example, when translating English videos into Chinese, the content cannot be translated directly, because the structure of English and Chinese is different. If translated directly, it will give people an obscure feeling, which requires the translator to translate the English content into Chinese content first, and then recombine it according to Chinese habits.


  Finally, video translation is inseparable from high professional level and flexible translation methods. Some translators have limited professional ability and often adopt rigid translation methods. In fact, video translation is different from other translations. It does not have to adhere to one-to-one correspondence, nor does it need to translate word by word. It can make modifications on the premise of being loyal to the original text, so that the whole can be displayed more smoothly, This requires translators to constantly strengthen their professional ability, do a good job in accumulation and apply what they have learned, so as to better complete the work of video translation.


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