


  Translation involves many aspects. Some translation companies can't reach a very professional level. What factors will affect the translation quality of translation companies?



  1、 Impact of original documents


  During translation, professional translation companies generally negotiate with customers to further understand the original documents provided by customers. If the original text provided by the customer is incomplete and has certain defects, the translation will become more vague, or some languages can not be clearly expressed, which naturally increases the difficulty of translation. Therefore, before translation, we must carefully communicate with customers and understand the meaning of the original text as much as possible.


  2、 Cultural influence


  In the process of translation, different nationalities and countries are always involved, so different cultural backgrounds are produced. If translators do not have a special understanding of the cultural customs of different countries, they are easy to be limited in the process of translation, and even touch some cultural taboos. Therefore, there is no way to show the high-quality translation process. Therefore, professional translation companies need to make up for their shortcomings in this aspect.


  3、 Impact of professional competence


  For translators, if their professional ability is not particularly strong, it will have a lot of impact. At present, many translation companies have different professional translators who are involved in different fields, but they also need to improve themselves in time. Professional ability in this field, so that there will be no too many problems in translation.

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