


  With the development of sports and the internationalization of many sports events, sports translation becomes more and more important. What are the requirements of sports translation for translators?

  1. Excellent language ability and sharp response speed are required


  Excellent language ability is a necessary professional quality for a translator. As the first key point here, it is because of the characteristics of the sports industry itself. Sports is an industry that competes for speed and strength. In sports events, fierce competitions are common. It requires translators to have excellent translation ability, and agile translation speed can match the fast changing body. Fertility situation. This requires sports translators not only to have a solid foundation in Chinese and foreign languages, but also to have a high ability of expression and response.

  2. Need higher professional quality of sports


  A qualified sports translator needs to improve himself to the level of a professional athlete, so that the sports translator can adapt to the high-intensity training rhythm of the athlete; in the fast changing sports field, he can clearly understand the sports situation and the movements of the athlete, such as in table tennis; how and what kind of technical movements the athlete adopts Playing methods and coaches' guiding actions need translators with high professional quality to be able to interpret them correctly in the fleeting wonderful moment.

  3. Understand the characteristics of sports vocabulary and sentence pattern


  Sports major, like other technical industries, also has its own special trade terms, which requires translators to have a good command of sports professional terms to be able to do a good job in sports translation. In addition, the sentence pattern of sports translation has its own characteristics, such as imperative sentence, statement sentence, ellipsis sentence and so on. The subject, predicate and object of the sentence pattern are simple and clear, the long sentence, adjective and adverb are less used, and the oral features are obvious. In the process of translation, translators need to master such translation characteristics, otherwise it is very difficult to adapt to the speed of sports translation.


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