


  Different languages and different kinds of translation have different prices. Different translation institutions also affect the prices. What are the factors that affect the translation quotation?

  首先,对于笔译项目来说,翻译数量是影响报价的因素之一,举个简单的例子来说,我们平时去超市购买东西,大多数情况都会看到量大从优的优惠活动,对于翻译也一样,同等需求下,翻译一本几千字的参考文献肯定会比用来阅读使用的一本几万字的手册的单价要高,造成这种原因的是,一般翻译人员具有自己的翻译量,不管项目字数多少,都需要向翻译人员支付一定的成本费,所以在同等需求下, 项目稿件的数量是影响报价的因素之一。

  First of all, for translation projects, translation quantity is one of the factors that affect the quotation. For example, when we go to the supermarket to buy things, we will see a large amount of preferential activities in most cases. For translation, the same is true. Under the same demand, the unit price of a thousands word reference will be higher than that of a tens of thousands word manual used for reading. The reason for this is that translators generally have their own translation volume. No matter how many words there are in the project, they need to pay a certain cost to the translators. Therefore, under the same demand, the number of project manuscripts is one of the factors affecting the quotation.


  Secondly, there are also different languages that affect the translation quotation. As the saying goes, "rare things are more expensive." in today's diversified world, many small languages are more active in trade, but for the world, small language translators are very rare. Therefore, when it comes to small language translation, the price will certainly be much more expensive than the mainstream languages such as English, Japanese and Korean. If you are interested in language major and eager to do translation work, you can start from a small language.


  Moreover, the difficulty of translation projects also determines the level of translation quotation. Generally, regular translation companies will divide translators into three levels, namely, reading level (standard level), professional level and publishing level. The so-called reading level is to meet the general daily communication and reading, the article is smooth, the content is finally the original, without grammatical errors and basic cultural conflicts, while the professional level refers to the professional level. As for the publishing level, it is generally illustrated and illustrated, with high requirements for typesetting and high requirements for translators, most of them are native language translators. The qualifications and abilities of the three levels of translators are different, and the translation quotation will also be different, and the difficulty of the project is the key factor to determine the translation quotation.


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