


  With more and more frequent exchanges at home and abroad, translation plays an important role. Now, Shanghai Zhenyun artificial translation company will share with you the translation skills that novice translators need to know?


  First of all, if you want to engage in translation industry, you must strengthen your basic literacy, which includes not only the "translation style of German" and a serious and meticulous attitude, but also a certain level of foreign language, a high level of Chinese culture and a wealth of professional knowledge. The more excellent these three aspects are, the more smoothly you can complete the translation work, in which the foreign language level will be improved, By expanding the vocabulary and reading widely, it is better to be able to listen, speak, read, write and translate at the same time. Chinese culture is to strengthen the study of grammar, logic, rhetoric and other aspects. Finally, in terms of subject expertise, we should strive to master the relevant professional knowledge in the field of translation and pay close attention to the industry trends in real time.


  Secondly, if you want to be engaged in the translation industry, you must constantly practice in the translation practice. As many people who have been in contact with the translation industry know, translation is a creative language activity with strong practicality. Therefore, you need a lot of practice to continuously improve your translation ability, but you can't blindly practice. You need to pay attention to certain scientificity. For the entry-level students, you can first find out Some of the difficulties meet their own level and have the corresponding Chinese translation materials for practice, and then compare with the original translation, find their own shortcomings, and judge from them whether they are their own understanding mistakes or their own expression habits.


  Finally, if you want to work in translation industry, you need to understand the principle of "ask if you don't understand". If you encounter problems in your selection and translation, you must be open-minded and ask for advice from others. You must not build a car behind closed doors and be confident blindly. This will lead you into a tragedy of arrogance. Of course, in the process of translation, you should also have the spirit of innovation, and not stick to the translation provided by others, Only in this way can we become an excellent translator.


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