


  Interpretation is now a commonly used way of interpretation. You will find that the price of interpretation is different. Now, what are the factors affecting the price of interpretation?


  The form of interpretation is the most direct factor affecting the quotation of a company. There are many forms of interpretation service, and there are many needs. For example, simultaneous interpreting is different from the price of ordinary interpretation service. The price of simultaneous interpreting is very high. In simple terms, the difficulty of interpretation is different, and their prices are different.


  Interpretation services usually carry out all kinds of translation in the process of the meeting. The forms of the meeting are different, and the prices are also different. The meeting forms mainly include meeting interpretation, escort interpretation and exhibition interpretation. Among these forms, the price of meeting interpretation is relatively high, that is to say, the quotation of translation companies is also different for translation on different occasions.


  The price of interpretation is also related to the length of translation time. If the time of interpretation is relatively long, such as eight hours beyond the normal working hours, the fee will be very high. If it is within the normal eight hour working range, the price will be lower. In other words, the longer the interpretation time, the higher the quotation of the translation company will be.


  The price of translation varies with different languages. The price of some common languages, such as English, French and Russian, is different from that of some small languages, such as Indonesian and Cambodian. Generally, the price of English interpretation is not high.


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