


  Good bidding translation will bring good bidding effect, so translators are required to have a certain understanding of bidding documents. Shanghai Zhenyun translation company will share with you what problems should be paid attention to in bidding document translation?


  Don't blindly believe in advertisements


     with the development of mobile Internet, the advertisements of translation companies all over the Internet have gradually penetrated into people's lives. However, in these advertisements, they talk about all aspects of their translation ability. In fact, don't blindly believe the self talk of these advertisements, because to judge whether the translation company can complete the tender translation entrusted by the client, we need to judge whether the company is a professional translation company, whether it has a record in the industry and Commerce Bureau, whether it has the field and language that the professional translator is good at, and whether there are similar translation cases to provide reference.


  Is there a full-time interpreter and invoice


  generally, regular translation companies have full-time translators, and they also provide customers with translation service invoices from the tax bureau. However, those translation companies that cannot provide invoices and rely on many part-time translators can not guarantee their translation quality and after-sales service. These are the problems that professional translation companies have noticed.


  The price of the translation of tender documents cannot be considered alone


   due to the fierce competition among translation companies, many translation companies keep their prices very low in order to obtain manuscripts. You should know that professional manual translation consumes the most labor. When the labor cost of professional translators can not reach the professional level, they can only use lower level translators to complete the corresponding manuscripts, but the translation quality can not meet the demand, However, the quotations given by those powerful regular translation companies are relatively reasonable, and they can also provide high-quality after-sales guarantee.


我们凭借多年的翻译经验,坚持以“用诚心、责任心服务每一位客户”为宗旨,累计为5000多家客户提供品质翻译服务,得到了客户的一致好评。如果您有证件翻译盖章、书面翻译、各类口译、配音字幕、移民翻译、本地化服务等方面的需求... ... 请立即点击咨询我们或拨打咨询热线: 400-661-5181,我们会详细为您一一解答您心中的疑惑。


