


  There are still many differences between Japanese and Chinese in actual expression habits. What are the precautions for Japanese translation shared by Shanghai Zhenyun translation company today?

  1. The structure of sentences is different


  In Chinese, the verb is in the front, the noun is in the back, just like "reading", "reading" is the verb, "book" is the noun, and in Japanese, we can see that it will be written as "Ben を む. Bu Shu を す", the noun is in the front, the verb is in the back. Therefore, when translating Japanese, we should first understand the language structure of Japanese, which is also the most basic part of our translation.

  2. Use of punctuation


  After learning Japanese, we will find that there are not many punctuation marks in Japanese, and there are similar punctuation marks with Chinese, but the meaning of each punctuation mark is not exactly the same as that of Chinese. What is more obvious is that in Japanese interrogative sentences, only the final particle "か" is used to express questions at the end of the sentence, and no question mark will be added to the sentence. There is also a certain difference between the comma in Japanese to indicate expectation, emphasis and the ending meaning in Chinese sentences. Therefore, in Japanese translation, we must pay attention to the use of the whole paragraph and auxiliary verbs to determine the use of punctuation.

  3. To understand the translation of specific Japanese


  In the process of Japanese translation, some words must try to understand the local cultural background and experience it personally, so as to understand the deep meaning of the original Japanese accurately and the essence of the author.

  4. Differences in the usage of Chinese characters


  As we all know, Japan is influenced by the Chinese culture. A large number of Chinese characters are used in its official language. Some of the Chinese characters only inherit the Chinese characters, which are not consistent with the usage and meaning of our Chinese characters. These are worthy of our attention.


  Therefore, when translating Japanese, we must pay attention to the differences in this aspect. If we can't understand it, we must ask more questions and inquire about the relevant materials. After the translation, we should check more times to find out the missing and make up the missing. However, if you want to do a good job in translation, you need to work hard. Only in this way can you translate a perfect work.


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