


  Interpretation is a very common way of translation. It is widely used in the exhibition. In the process of the exhibition, communication is indispensable. At this time, translation is very important. What are the details of interpretation shared by Shanghai Zhenyun artificial translation agency?


  First of all, we must be punctual and trustworthy when interpreting for exhibitions. Translators must be punctual and trustworthy no matter for accompanying interpretation, business negotiation, conference delivery, news release and other interpretation types. If an exhibition has already started and translators are not in place, it will not only affect the normal progress of the exhibition, but also bring unnecessary troubles and incapability to customers. The loss of quantity, the most important thing is to affect their own integrity. Therefore, when interpreting exhibitions, we must have a sense of time. If there are other irresistible external causes, we must inform customers in advance to avoid unnecessary troubles and losses.


  Secondly, when doing exhibition interpretation, we must make sufficient preparations. After receiving the task of exhibition interpretation, we must make preparations in advance, reserve more vocabularies and terms related to the industry, understand the relevant background of the target customers, and most importantly, we must make certain psychological presupposition and establish good self-confidence, so that we can face it in exhibition translation. In case of emergency, it is not necessary to be nervous due to panic, unexpected and other reasons and unable to continue the translation work. Therefore, a strong heart is necessary for an excellent exhibition interpreter. Only in this way can the two sides calmly reconcile the atmosphere in case of embarrassment, so as to promote the re communication between the two sides.


  Moreover, as an exhibition translator, etiquette and etiquette are the essential elements of the exhibition interpreter. In the exhibition, the interpreter represents not only himself, but also the whole translation company behind him, even the whole translation industry. If in some important business negotiations and conference delivery, the interpreter may represent the image of an enterprise, a country, so a famous and excellent The interpreter of the show must pay attention to his / her behavior and wording in the translation. As for the dress, he / she should change according to the different working situations and do what to wear on what occasions.


我们凭借多年的翻译经验,坚持以“用诚心、责任心服务每一位客户”为宗旨,累计为5000多家客户提供品质翻译服务,得到了客户的一致好评。如果您有证件翻译盖章、书面翻译、各类口译、配音字幕、移民翻译、本地化服务等方面的需求... ... 请立即点击咨询我们或拨打咨询热线: 400-661-5181,我们会详细为您一一解答您心中的疑惑。


