


  Passport is a legal document issued by our country to prove citizen's nationality and identity. What are the precautions for passport translation shared by Shanghai Zhenyun Manual Translation Agency?


  The original and translation of passport must be absolutely consistent. Some friends who are familiar with foreign languages think that they can be competent for translation. But the translator should remind you that it is very difficult for non-professionals to translate accurately. Even if a word is not appropriate or not in accordance with the regulations, it will lead to the failure of the translation, thus delaying the progress of their passport processing. It is the most basic requirement for passport translation to be consistent with the original and the translation.


  As mentioned earlier, passport translation has a fixed writing format. If the format is incorrect or not standardized, it can not pass the examination. Many countries have different formats in date writing, and the date writing is often ignored. Therefore, in passport translation, the date or other details must be strictly in accordance with the requirements of the local countries and regions. Write so as to increase the pass rate of passport examination.


  Passport translation must be stamped with a special stamp for translation. If you translate a passport simply, the translator believes that some people are competent, but passport is to prove the legitimacy of their citizens'identity abroad, and embassies also have mandatory requirements. In addition to providing corresponding passport translations, there must also be translation specialties issued jointly by the industry and Commerce department, public security department and other relevant departments. The validity and validity of the translated document can only be proved by the translation with the stamp of translation. Therefore, a qualified and regular translation company must be sought for the passport translation.


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