


  Translation is a very meticulous work and requires translators to have a certain level of language, so what do Japanese English translators need? Let's share with you:


  1. Attitude determines quality


  As we all know, attitude is the basic condition for doing everything well. Even if there is no high standard, no cattle technology, no serious and responsible attitude is useless. In order to have a scientific attitude, you need to understand three questions. The first is the direction. You need to understand what the goal of your work is and who you should serve. The second is motivation. When you have a direction, you need to understand why you want to do this job and what it can bring you. The third is attitude. When you have motivation and direction, what you should do is to figure out what you are willing to pay for this job and what kind of efforts you should make. Only when you think about these three problems can you overcome all kinds of difficulties in translation work and move forward.


  2. Basic Japanese skills


  In the work of translating Japanese into English, it is self-evident to have certain basic Japanese skills. Some people think that translation, as long as they are proficient in their mother tongue, and other foreign languages can be consulted in dictionaries, which is obviously a little understanding of translation. A dictionary can only find out the literal meaning, but if you want to translate a sentence or an article accurately, you need to grasp the true meaning of the sentence. This is what a dictionary cannot do. In addition, if you want to make accurate translation, you must master a wealth of vocabulary, systematic grammar knowledge, strong reading ability and understanding ability, all of which are indispensable.


  3. Basic English skills


  There is no doubt about the importance of English in Japanese English translation. Because English is the target language, it needs to be expressed accurately and logically. In Japanese to English translation, English is the target language and the output content. If the English skill is not solid, small is not smooth and authentic enough. In a big way, it will even cause economic losses to enterprises, even fatal consequences due to the slightest difference. Therefore, in Japanese English translation, English basic skills and Japanese basic skills are equally important, and neither of them can be slackened.


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