


  The development of translation is getting better and better. Translation is professional, special and accurate. Different industries have different translation requirements. What are the translation requirements of different industries shared by Shanghai Zhenyun translation company?

  Translation of current politics


  Most of the political translation is solemn, formal, precise, clear-cut and profound. Due to the high political sensitivity of political papers, the English translation must be very accurate and rigorous, and the translation must be faithful to the original. There are two characteristics of political paper, one is political terminology, the other is the common rhetorical devices are repetition, parallelism and duality.

  scientific translation


  The translation of science and technology must be accurate, accurate and fallacious. If you are not familiar with the relevant knowledge, you need to check it in many ways in the process of translation. You can't take it for granted that you know the relevant knowledge points, specific meanings and translation methods.

  Medical literature translation


  The translation of medical literature should not only be accurate, but also consider the use scenarios, such as drug instructions. The translation should consider the reading habits and understanding of non professionals. It should not only be accurate, but also pay attention to the choice and use of language.

  Translation of tourism public signs


  Tourism public signs translation, public signs is a kind of open, communicative and special style, aiming to promote the local culture, so that foreign tourists can get a better tourism experience, so the translation of tourism scenic spots public signs is very important. Translation needs to be translated by means of translation, free translation and other methods, and problems such as improper use of words and Chinglish should be avoided.

  news translation


  News translation requires translators to deal with the information of the original text, just like editing and modifying articles, so it is an editorial translation of news, which makes the translation more suitable for foreign audiences to read and broadcast. News translation should have political consciousness, consider information style, cultural background and wording handling. The wording must be intentional and should be considered in many ways to avoid misunderstanding or bad Association.

  Business and Trade Translation


  Business and trade translation, such as the translation of foreign investment documents, good translation text can effectively transmit information such as investment environment, investment projects and investment policies, which is helpful to attract interested and powerful foreign businessmen to invest. It is necessary to have audience awareness, fully consider the identity, cognitive level and reading expectation of the audience. To avoid the missed opportunities of foreign direct investment due to improper handling.

  Product manual


  Another example is the translation of product instructions, which, like advertisements, needs to attract the attention of consumers and help enterprises improve their product image. No matter what kind of instruction, it has its own language characteristics, has its fixed format and standardized language, and shows its unique cultural personality. We need to pay attention to avoid the error of accuracy and bring loss to the enterprise.

  literary translation


  Non literary translation and literary translation are different in their unique romantic and infectious translation effects. Literature makes people crazy, so style rendering is the first point. Literary translation analyzes the specific methods of literary translation according to the literary works with different backgrounds and cultural connotations. The translated words should conform to the identity of the speaker.

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