


  There are many kinds of business translation. According to the different functions of business communication activities, what are the basic principles of business translation shared by Shanghai Zhenyun artificial translation company today?

  一、 精确
  1、 Precision


  Business documents, whether letters or contracts, are important documents for both parties to establish a transaction relationship. In a certain sense, they have the role of legal texts. The difference of one word causes great property loss, while the difference of one word leads to the breakdown of the trading relationship between the two parties and even to the court. Therefore, in the process of translation, it is very important to reflect the purpose of the original text and convey it to the target readers, that is, the other side of business cooperation. In order to achieve this goal, translation should not only carefully read the original text, but also understand the conditions involved in the production of the original text, that is, the process, purpose and basic links of the transaction, and then carefully express the important information of the original text completely and accurately, so as to avoid misreading, mistranslation and vague or ambiguous expression of the translated text, resulting in ambiguity and communication Misunderstanding or misinterpretation on both sides.

  二、 简洁
  2、 Simplicity


  In today's competitive business activities, time is money, simple and efficient communication has become the main theme of interpersonal communication. Business partners are often faced with a dilemma. They should not only seize business opportunities, but also face multiple attacks from their competitors. They need to improve the efficiency of their work, which is bound to put forward concise and concise requirements for business documents. In business activities, in addition to commercial advertisements appealing to emotion and moving with emotion, business texts emphasize convincing people with reason, not highlighting literary grace, not pursuing gorgeous rhetoric and ostentation. On the contrary, flashy language not only wastes time and energy, but also makes each other's understanding confused, doubted or wrong. Therefore, in principle, the translation of business texts should be highlighted The purpose is to make the language concise, simple, objective, formal in style and standard in use of words.

  三、 清晰
  3、 Clear


  Precise emphasis on the accuracy of information, concise highlight the efficiency of information expression, while clear focus on the appropriateness of expression, that is, "the best words in the best position", will not produce ambiguity. Language is a double-edged sword. The so-called "one word makes things happen, one word makes things happen". The ambiguity of expression will cause serious consequences. In business translation, it must be clear and not ambiguous, so as to avoid being misunderstood or leaving opportunities for the other party. To this end, the language used must be able to withstand scrutiny, or even more straightforward or plain.

  四、 灵活
  4、 Flexibility


  As for other translators, business translators need not only solid basic language skills, but also extensive professional knowledge, correct and flexible translation ideas, strategies and methods. In other words, they should pay attention to the flexibility of translation. In terms of language, it can be observed and discussed from different units of translation; in terms of culture, it can be analyzed and thought from connotation and image. No matter from which point of view, translators should always follow the principle of "specific analysis" and adopt different translation strategies flexibly. It should be noted that the premise of the principle of flexibility is still accuracy. A qualified translator will always put accuracy first.


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