


  Compared with other fields, traditional Chinese medicine translation is more difficult, so we should be cautious in the translation work. Today, Shanghai Zhenyun artificial translation company will share with you the translation skills of traditional Chinese medicine?


  First of all, we should think about translation from another side's standpoint. The purpose of translation is to make the readers understand and understand. If the translation is only done by themselves and others don't know what to say, there is no doubt that the translation is a failure. A good translation is to inject the strengths of the original into another language, so that readers can understand it more clearly and have a stronger resonance. Transposition thinking should consider whether the grammar is consistent with the expression, Chinese and English expressions are not the same, in the process of translation should be taken into account. We should consider it from the perspective of the target language, be faithful to the original text and conform to the way of medical English expression.

  其次,要凸显文化,力求原汁原味。因为中医学是中国的传统文化。在进行翻译的时候,要尽量体现出中国博大精深的文化和思想内涵,将中医学中最能体现文化底蕴的地方完美的翻译出来,而不是一味的附和西方的文化,如果将很传统的中国文化很直白的英译,不仅体会不到中国的文化精髓也会让翻译洋不洋,中不中的。还应讲究翻译技巧,如明确语 境,灵活意译,适当增补,保留原味等,此外,中医药学用语往往言简意赅,不少以文言文形式表达,但在翻译时却不能简单化。

  Secondly, we should highlight culture and strive to be authentic. Because traditional Chinese medicine is the traditional culture of China. In the process of translation, we should try our best to reflect the profound cultural and ideological connotation of China, and perfectly translate the places in traditional Chinese medicine that can best reflect the cultural connotation, rather than blindly attach to the western culture. If we translate very traditional Chinese culture into English, we will not only fail to understand the essence of Chinese culture, but also make the translation foreign and Chinese. We should also pay attention to translation skills, such as clear context, flexible and free translation, appropriate supplement, and original flavor. In addition, TCM terms are often concise and comprehensive, many of them are expressed in classical Chinese, but they cannot be simplified in translation.

  翻译要意译传达,力求形象逼真。 某些中医学专业名词在英语中没有直接对等的词汇,可以通过意译进行传达,并与直译、音译等融合运用。中医学中很多词汇来源于生活感受,构词的原 则大多是取类比象,表层结构较简练,但溢于字面之外的内涵却较为丰富。因此,要做到准确翻译,应摆脱字面句式的束缚,透过表层,探究深层的实质含意。

  Translation should be free translation and convey, and strive to be vivid. Some Chinese medicine professional nouns have no direct equivalent vocabulary in English, which can be conveyed through free translation and integrated with literal translation and transliteration. Many words in traditional Chinese medicine come from the feeling of life. The principle of word formation is mostly to take analogy. The surface structure is simple, but the connotation beyond the literal is rich. Therefore, in order to achieve accurate translation, we should get rid of the shackles of literal sentence patterns and explore the deep meaning through the surface.

  提高素质,科学合理。诸如此类的词语在中医学里很多,因 此,译者唯有以严谨和科学的工作态度认真对待中医翻译,才能将中医理论知识准确传达给外国朋友。译者不仅要具备丰富的中医理论知识,还应具备丰富的 中国古典文化知识,只有这样,才能领会并深刻理解中医论著原文。同时,译者还得对西医的理论体系和治疗方法有所了解,并较好地掌握医学英语。

  Improve quality, scientific and reasonable. There are many such words in traditional Chinese medicine. Therefore, only when the translator takes the translation of traditional Chinese medicine seriously with a rigorous and scientific attitude can he convey the theoretical knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine to foreign friends accurately. Translators should not only have rich theoretical knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine, but also have rich knowledge of classical Chinese culture. Only in this way can they understand and understand the original works of traditional Chinese medicine. At the same time, the translator should have a good understanding of the theoretical system and treatment methods of Western medicine, and master medical English well.


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