


  Business English is used in international finance, foreign trade and overseas investment. What are the characteristics of business English translation? Shanghai Zhenyun artificial translation agency will show you:

  商务英语是用于国际贸易和营销等商务活动中的一种特殊的英语语体。它是英语的一个分支,本质上没有什么区别,但是又具有特定的“商务特色”。它在词法、句法、语体等方面都有自身的特点,而且常常会涉及到许多不同的业务范畴。商务英语有二种文体风格,分外正式文体和应用文体。商务文体是随着商品生产及贸易的发展而形成的一种文体形式。商务英语在词汇使用上的最大特点是对专业词汇的精确运用, 其中包含大量专业词汇、具商务含义的普通词或复合词, 以及缩略词等涉及商务理论和商务实践等方面,其语言具有极强的专业性。要做好商务英语翻译,需要具备深厚的专业知识,对国际贸易的相关术语要有较全面的了解。同时,还要掌握商务英语翻译的基本原则和技巧。只有将这两方面的技能有效结合,才能在商务英语翻译中感到得心应手。为了真正掌握商务英语, 我们必须在打好英语语言基础的前提下, 加强商务知识的学习, 两者相辅相成, 才能促进商务英语水平的不断提高。同时, 在商务英语的翻译中, 必须遵循一定的翻译原则, 采用一些翻译策略。只有不断地学习最新的知识, 积累实践经验, 扩大知识面, 才能使商务英语的翻译真正达到信、达、雅的境界。

  Business English is a special type of English used in business activities such as international trade and marketing. It is a branch of English, which has no difference in essence, but it also has specific "business characteristics". It has its own characteristics in morphology, syntax, style and so on, and often involves many different business areas. There are two styles of business English, formal and practical. Business style is a form of style formed with the development of commodity production and trade. The most important feature of business English is the accurate use of professional vocabulary, which includes a large number of professional vocabulary, common words or compound words with business meaning, abbreviations and other aspects related to business theory and business practice, and its language is highly professional. To do business English translation well, we need to have profound professional knowledge and a comprehensive understanding of the relevant terms of international trade. At the same time, we should master the basic principles and skills of business English translation. Only by combining these two skills effectively, can we feel handy in Business English translation. In order to truly master business English, we must lay a good foundation of English language, strengthen the learning of business knowledge, and the two complement each other, in order to promote the continuous improvement of business English level. At the same time, in the translation of business English, we must follow certain translation principles and adopt some translation strategies. Only by constantly learning the latest knowledge, accumulating practical experience and expanding the scope of knowledge, can the translation of business English truly reach the realm of faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance.


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