


  The main problems in interpretation are omission and mistranslation. What are the reasons for the omission and mistranslation? Let's share with you:


  1、 Taking notes is greedy


  Examinees often remember the notes in detail at the front, but not in time at the back, so what they translate is a tiger's head and a snake's tail. Too many notes are not suitable. Too many will interfere with the grasp of the general idea, especially in the English-Chinese translation. Generally speaking, interpretation notes should record some important concepts, logical relations and some isolated and hard to remember contents, such as numbers, proper nouns, etc.


  2、 New words of "card"


  There are always some difficult words or new words in a recording. Many examinees just "stuck" and didn't jump to the end of the whole text, but continued to stay on this word, which affected the understanding of the whole text.


  Generally speaking, it is easy to guess the meaning of difficult words or new words in interpreting paragraphs from the context.


  3、 "Card" in the long sentence


  Interpretation test is aimed at the translation of formal occasions, so English sentences can sometimes be very long, sometimes a paragraph is just a sentence. Usually we should pay attention to the attributive clauses and long sentences containing participle phrases.


  In addition, candidates can adjust the order of sentences, as long as the meaning is expressed clearly.


  4、 Unfamiliar with accent

  试题往往采用英语母语国家各种人员的录音,考生如果听录音少,就会感觉不适应。考生要熟悉连读、爆破等语音知识,平常要多听录音和看原版片和中央电视台的SUNDAY TOPICS,上海电视台的NEWS AT TEN等。

  The test questions are often recorded by all kinds of people in the native English speaking countries. If the candidates listen to less recordings, they will feel uncomfortable. Candidates should be familiar with such phonetic knowledge as continuous reading and blasting. Usually, they should listen to the recording and watch the original film, Sunday topics of CCTV, news at ten of Shanghai TV, etc.


  5、 Not familiar with listening content


  Not familiar with the listening content will lead to too long thinking time and unable to complete the translation within the prescribed time. The interpretation test is equivalent to a small-scale interpretation practice, so candidates should pay attention to observing and learning interpretation cases, such as watching press conferences and some English interview programs, such as dialogue.


  6、 Under fluency

  “汉译英” 表现尤为明显,原因是英语不流利,不停地修正自己的发音和用词,以至于耽误了时间。练好口语是第一步。

  "Chinese to English" performance is particularly obvious, because English is not fluent, constantly revise their pronunciation and use of words, so as to delay the time. Practicing oral English is the first step.


  7、 Insufficient vocabulary

  汉译英和英译汉中都会出现因词汇量不够翻译不好,英译汉多表现在“漏译”,英译汉多表现在“死译”。口译者并不要求能懂每一个单词,关键在于能使原文意思清晰准确传达出来。著名口译专家达妮卡?塞莱丝科维奇在她的书中这样提到:“译文实际上是解释性的翻译,是译员对原讲话的一种解释和注释,…以易于接受的方法转达给听者。”译员在翻译时,是再现说话人的思想,而不是对原文的文字进行一一对应。另外,考生要注意平时的积累,阅读CHINA DAILY, TIME, BEIJING REVIEW, SHANGHAI DAILY,SHANGHAI STAR, NEWSWEEK等报刊对提高词汇将大有裨益。

  In both Chinese-English translation and English-Chinese translation, there will be poor translation due to the lack of vocabulary. Interpreters do not need to be able to understand every word, the key is to make the original meaning clear and accurate. In her book, Danica seleskovitch, a famous interpreter, points out that "translation is actually an interpretive translation, an interpretation and annotation of the original speech by an interpreter In an acceptable way. " In translation, the translator is to reproduce the speaker's thoughts, rather than to correspond the original text one by one. In addition, candidates should pay attention to their usual accumulation. Reading China Daily, time, Beijing review, Shanghai Daily, Shanghai Star, Newsweek and other newspapers will be helpful to improve their vocabulary.


  8、 Psychological tension


  Many examinees will hear Chinese wrong because of their nervousness. Usually, doing more model tests and real tests will help you overcome your psychological nervousness gradually. In addition, practicing public speaking will help you play normally under pressure.


  9、 Domino effect


  Most of the candidates are very nervous when they do the first paragraph of English-Chinese translation. They fail to understand the original meaning well, which affects the mood behind them. If you give up the psychology of the first paragraph and focus on "understanding" rather than "translation", it is very helpful to grasp the general idea of this article. The examinee can predict what will happen next, which will ensure the quality of the following translation.


  10、 The psychology of "no surprise, no end"


  Some candidates are good at interpreting, but they always want to use some beautiful words, so they spend time. Although a single sentence sounds good, it may be missed later because of the unreasonable arrangement of time. The standard of interpretation is "accurate, smooth and fast". When doing interpretation practice, we must practice according to this standard. The key is the accuracy of information. In addition, the interpretation test is about "skills", and the acquisition of skills is a cumulative effort. I hope that candidates will spend their time in normal times, lay a good foundation and achieve good results.


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