


  The technical difficulties and comprehensive requirements of paper translation are very high, which requires translators to be precise, professional and logical. What are the difficulties of paper translation shared by Shanghai Zhenyun artificial translation agency?

  Technical terms are obscure


  Paper translation often involves terms, proper nouns, and strange words in the field of professional disciplines, which may not be found in traditional paper dictionaries or electronic dictionaries, even if they can be found, it will take a lot of effort.

  Complicated sentence structure


  There are totally different ways of thinking, language habits and expression between Chinese and English. It is only by piling up the simple sentences that we can not call translation. We must take into account the internal logical relationship between the sentences and the sentences, read through the whole text, and be familiar with the common and authentic expressions in English, so that the translation can be accurate.

  Basically no translation skills


  The so-called technical field has a specialty. Students of a certain major may be very familiar with their professional field, but their English level is very limited. Translation is also a profession, which emphasizes skill. Some places need special treatment, such as adding translation, subtracting translation, splitting sentences, merging, translating, inverting, transforming, including pregnancy, inserting and recombining, etc., while people outside of professional translation seldom understand and master these skills and methods.

  High academic standards


  Paper translation is different from general article translation, not only because of a large number of professional terms, but also because of its high requirements for academic standard expression. It is difficult to determine whether the expression is authentic and in line with academic norms without the corresponding experts in the professional field to review and polish.


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