


  The main purpose of localization translation is to overcome cultural barriers and win the trust of local customers. How to ensure the accuracy of localization translation? Let's share with you:

  1、 Pay attention to the conciseness of language and make it concise and comprehensive


  In the process of localization translation, attention should be paid to ensuring that the information is comprehensive and the meaning is accurate; the tone should be fluent and logical; the written language should be used as much as possible, in line with the Chinese grammar habits; wrong words, typography, more words, less words, punctuation misuse and English spelling mistakes should be avoided; the words and tone of the translation should be free of gender, age, race, occupation, religious belief, political belief Discrimination against political parties, nationalities, regions, the rich and the poor, and those with physical disabilities.

  2、 The vocabulary should be short and concise, and the sentence structure should be concise and rigorous


  The style of localized translation is mostly argumentative and instructive, so it uses more declarative sentences and imperative sentences, which are straightforward and less emotional. The sentence structure is concise and rigorous, often using ellipsis and phrases instead of clauses. Vocabulary should be short and concise. Compound words are often used. The more technical, the more compound words. We should try our best to be objective, avoid subjectivity and personal color, and use more passive voice to make sentences compact, subject information rich and avoid repetition. The structure of the article is clear, and the use of conjunctions is very frequent and important.

  3、 Ensure the original translation and lively language


  Compared with the online help or interface, the language style of the localization manual is slightly more lively. There are often some questions, rhetorical questions, exclamation sentences, slang and so on. When translating, these places should be translated into elegant but not colloquial, so as to convey the feelings to be expressed in the original text, and the expression mode is in line with the habit of Chinese.


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