


  You can often see subtitle translation in your life. Subtitle translation needs to understand the needs of the audience and the language characteristics of this country. What are the skills of subtitle translation shared by Shanghai Zhenyun artificial translation company today?

  1. To apply the principle of coherence by means of supplement or annotation


  Film and television plays are usually an organic whole. If the speaker fails to fill in the required social and cultural information in time under the condition of cultural default, and cannot combine the information in the text with the knowledge and experience out of the text, it cannot establish a coherent and correct meaning. Therefore, subtitle translation should be reconstructed coherently under the cultural default to help the audience understand the rich connotation from the film.

  2. Use the skills of abbreviation and simplification to avoid the obstacles of watching subtitles

  由于影视剧字幕翻译受到时间空间双重技术性因素的制约, 在翻译成目标语时, 应尽可能不增加篇章的长度, 因此,译者不能像翻译文学作品那样完全忠实于原文,译者在翻译时,需要采用浓缩、简化和省略的技巧。

  Due to the limitation of time and space, the subtitle translation of film and television plays should not increase the length of the text as much as possible when it is translated into the target language. Therefore, the translator cannot be as faithful to the original as the translated literary works. In the process of translation, the translator needs to adopt the techniques of concentration, simplification and omission.

  3. It is translated in a concise and colloquial way, which is convenient for the audience to read and understand quickly

  影视语言多以人物对话或内心独白或旁白的形式出现, 即十分口语化。

  The language of film and television is mostly in the form of character dialogue or inner monologue or narration, which is very colloquial.

  基于影视语言的这些鲜明特点, 译者在将其翻译成另一国文字时, 便需要考虑语言风格的传译问题, 使他国的电影观众充分感受到影片语言的魅力, 否则会因译入语的晦涩难懂、矫揉造作失去大部分观众。

  Based on these distinctive features of the film and television language, translators need to consider the translation of language style when translating it into another country's language, so that the film audience in other countries can fully feel the charm of the film language, otherwise they will lose a large part of the audience due to the obscurity and affectation of the translated language.


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