


  The interpretation work requires a high level of translators, which requires a high degree of concentration and calm in the face of emergencies on the interpretation site. Now, Shanghai Zhenyun artificial translation agency will share with you how to deal with emergencies in interpretation?


  1. How to deal with missing or incomprehension in interpretation


  This phenomenon is very common. The main reasons for this phenomenon are the on-site environment, speaker's speaking speed or accent. If the interpreter is a little distracted, it will also cause the phenomenon of missed listening. In this situation, first analyze whether the content is important. If it doesn't affect the overall situation, it can be ignored or fuzzy. If the content is important, you need to find a gap for remedy, or consult the scene Relevant experts.


  2. How to deal with mistranslation in interpretation


  In the process of on-site interpretation, translation errors are inevitable. The best interpreters can't guarantee that there will be no translation errors. If there are errors, first try to find a way to adjust them. Don't say "I am wrong", but adjust them in the tone of interpretation, such as "exactly", so as to lead to the correct translation.

  3. 口译中如何应对讲话人语速过快

  3. How to deal with the speaker's speed in interpretation


  If most speakers know that there is a translator on site, they will deliberately slow down their speaking speed. The interpreter can also communicate in advance, leaving enough time for translation. However, it is hard to avoid that the speaker's speaking speed is too fast, which requires the translator to adapt. In the process of translation, it is necessary to ensure that the meaning is accurate and full, and at the same time, it can be appropriately reduced to strive for time.

  4. 口译中如何处理讲话人语言不得体

  4. How to deal with the speaker's improper language in interpretation


  Behind the two different languages are two different countries with different cultural backgrounds. In the process of language exchange, it is inevitable that there will be some maladjustment or cultural conflict. Translators should be familiar with the differences between different cultures of the two countries. If there is a phenomenon of inappropriate language, translators should dilute the handling, master flexibly, and make the communication go smoothly.


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