


  Contract translation involves a wide range of aspects, which requires standard text, clear structure and accurate language. Now, Shanghai Zhenyun artificial translation company will share with you the steps needed for contract translation?


  1. Read the text carefully.


  After receiving the text, contract translators should read it repeatedly to grasp the overall spirit, important connotation, basic characteristics and requirements of the text.


  2. Read the details.


  We should carefully study each clause of the text, carefully analyze the main connotation of each clause, especially the logical structure, grammatical structure and professional knowledge difficulties of the text.


  3. Desk preparation.


  In view of the problems found in the thorough reading and detailed reading, please sweep away the obstacles. For the professional knowledge and legal knowledge in the economic field involved in the text, contract translators should carefully consult relevant materials and cases; for the difficulties in language knowledge and grammar structure existing in the text, they should repeatedly speculate.


  4. Text translation.

  在确定文本格式、文本结构之后,合同翻译人员要在把握文本各个部分主要精神的基础上,进行翻译工作。在翻译文本涉及的有关的商贸与法律术语等专业术语、内容时候,既要根据文本内容进行准确翻译,还要根据汉语和外语的语言习惯,进行细微调整,力求做到译文严谨、规范、专业。 在翻译完初稿后,要进行精心修改、打磨,特别是对专业术语,要认真检查,力求做到准确无误。

  After determining the text format and structure, contract translators should carry out translation work on the basis of grasping the main spirit of each part of the text. When translating trade and legal terms and other professional terms and contents involved in the text, we should not only translate accurately according to the text content, but also make subtle adjustments according to the language habits of Chinese and foreign languages, so as to make the translation rigorous, standardized and professional. After the translation of the first draft, it should be carefully revised and polished, especially for professional terms, which should be carefully checked to ensure accuracy.


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