


  First of all, translators should have a deep understanding of the meaning of idioms, accurately express their implied meaning, and change the image of the original text to other images familiar to the foreign readers. Next, Shanghai Zhenyun translation company will share with you the characteristics of idiom translation?


  Literal translation. Literal translation refers to that it does not cause Association and misunderstanding, and on the premise of maintaining the information of the original text, to strive to make the translation and the original text in terms of word selection, syntactic structure, image metaphor and style characteristics as far as possible. The translation and the original often use the same form of expression to reflect the same content and produce the same effect. The literal meaning of many Chinese idioms is their practical meaning, which is very easy to understand. These idioms can be translated literally.


  Replacement method. Sometimes, we can find equivalent idioms for translation, but most of them are similar, and some idioms can not find equivalent idioms in the target language.


  Free translation. The figurative images of some idioms are unacceptable to the target language readers. Therefore, free translation needs to keep the meaning consistent with the cultural connotation of the target language. Although it may not show the style of the original text, it is a good way to convey the connotation of Chinese idioms.


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