


  Translation can play a bridge role. The readability of news depends on the quality of translation. What are the methods of news translation shared by Shanghai Zhenyun translation company?


  First of all, the translation of the title needs to be as concise and clear as the original text, carefully pondering over the vocabulary and repeatedly considering. The translation of the title is the soul of an article, and almost all the contents of the article can be reflected by the title, and the title is the most important part of the article. So it needs to be concise and clear, covering the whole article, very important.


  Secondly, in the process of translation, we should accurately understand the meaning of some news specific English words in the article, because in English news, all have their own specific words, so translators need to accurately understand the specific meaning in News English, in order to cause mistranslation.


  Thirdly, in the process of translation, the style of the translated text should be consistent with the original text. Generally speaking, news English has a moderate degree of formality, sometimes with some stylistic color. Therefore, the translation should be appropriate, not too elegant or too vulgar.


  Fourth, to improve the translation of rare words or words in the article, in such cases, we can find the root of the word according to the situation of word formation in grammar, so as to help understand the meaning of the original text.


  Fifthly, the translation needs simple language, not too extravagant exaggeration, should stand in the objective point of view to translate the article, can not bring personal feelings.


  Finally, English has tenses, while Chinese doesn't pay much attention to this point, so there is no need to have doubts about tenses in translation, but we should pay attention to some special grammatical phenomena in the original text.


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