


  Legal documents or documents will involve a lot of professional words. Translators should not only be proficient in the meaning of legal provisions, but also accurately translate the meaning of them. Now, Shanghai Zhenyun translation company will take you to understand the difficulties of legal translation?

  1、 The limitation of legal knowledge reserve of interpreters


  A good legal translator should not only be a high-level translator, but also be proficient in legal knowledge. However, in many translation companies, translators engaged in legal translation do not have the depth of knowledge in this field, so the translated works are naturally deficient and the expression of meaning is biased.

  2、 Time limit, unable to fully access information


  Sometimes legal translation needs not only sufficient book knowledge, but also a lot of cases. However, due to the urgency of time, it is difficult for translators to find more information in a short period of time to help themselves improve the content of translation, and the final translation is not "full".

  3、 The interpreter lacks the ability of expression


  The biggest sorrow of a legal translator is that you understand both the legal provisions and the meaning of them, but you can't express them in other languages or let the public have a better understanding. Therefore, a good legal translator should not only have sufficient knowledge reserve, exquisite translation skills, but also excellent expression ability.

  4、 Unable to accurately express the meaning of the original work


  In many of the original works, the author may express some ambiguous concepts intentionally or unintentionally, which requires the translator to study the meaning of the context and translate the concepts accurately. However, many translators often only express vague concepts and lack of perfection.


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