


  Translation companies will rate interpreters according to their experience and actual work effect, and provide professional training for business interpreters on a regular basis, so as to continuously improve the quality of business interpretation.


  Business interpretation is a special translation profession for the service of conventional business talks. In international business talks, business interpretation is required. Business interpretation serves business activities. It is restricted by external factors and environment, and the time limit of business interpretation is very strong. It requires that they not only sound down, but also have little time to think. Therefore, the principle of business interpretation is to obey economy and clarity, and avoid entanglement in details.


  Business interpretation requires that the interpreter understand the flexible handling of transitional words and sentences and small aspects. In translation, the translator should pay attention to the main content, involving the language and technical content such as jargon, terminology, customary expression, etc. translation should be familiar with the content of the field and the expression of jargon and terminology. Secondly, business interpretation should translate numbers accurately. At the same time, business interpretation should also pay attention to idioms, slang and habitual expressions which are full of cultural content in the source language. An excellent translator should be proficient in the translation of idioms and allusions of Chinese and English language and culture, so as to achieve the best translation effect.


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