


  English interpretation requires translators to be familiar with professional knowledge and expression skills, and interpreters will encounter many problems in English interpretation. What are the common interpretation problems of Shanghai Zhenyun translation company?


  1. Grammatical errors


  If you want to do a good job in English interpretation, speaking is not enough. You should also speak correctly. How can you speak correctly? This requires you to master correct grammar knowledge. What is grammar? Grammar is the basic framework rules of a language. If you learn these rules, you can go further in English interpretation. Some people may speak English fluently, but can't read and write, that is because they lack grammar knowledge.


  2. Pronunciation error


  If you want to speak fluent English, pronunciation is fundamental. If the pronunciation is not correct, it will be difficult for others to understand what you are talking about. Therefore, if you want to do a good job in English interpretation, the first step is to correct your pronunciation. As long as the pronunciation is correct, whether you recognize the word or not, as long as there are phonetic symbols, you can read it accurately. It's also a way to accumulate new words.


  3. It's too fast. It needs to be reduced


  Some people will deliberately speak very fast, thinking that this will be able to speak closer to native speakers of English. However, it is very difficult for English interpreters to learn the fast speaking speed of British and American people in a short time. If you speak fast, it's easy to miss some of the pronunciation, which affects the effect of pronunciation. Speak slowly at the beginning. Remember to pronounce every syllable clearly.


  4. Chinglish


  Chinglish, also known as Chinglish, is often spoken in Chinglish. If you want to do a good job in English interpretation, you should use English thinking instead of Chinese thinking. Although Chinglish may be more convenient at the beginning, it is actually a sugar coated bullet in your English learning and practice.


  5. The expression is not diversified enough


  When you have reached a certain level of oral English, you should study various ways of expression, practice using different sentences to express the meaning of a sentence, and learn English way of thinking. Only in this way can your English interpretation work more smoothly.


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