


  The translation industry covers a wide range of fields, and legal translation is common. Shanghai Zhenyun translation company will show you what details should be paid attention to in legal translation?


  Proprietary words cannot be replaced at will


  There are many proprietary words in the legal industry, and these words are not only unique to the law, but also irreplaceable. Therefore, it must be noted that in the process of translation, the translation of proprietary words must ensure professionalism. Professional translation is one of the basic principles of legal translation.


  The word order expression cannot be wrong


  Although contraction or addition can be carried out in translation, it must be based on a certain basis. We must not change the original meaning, which involves the expression of word order. In the legal industry, some word order expressions have deviation or exchange, so the translated results are different. Therefore, we must pay attention to translating according to the grammatical habits of different languages.


  Combined with legal knowledge


  If you want to achieve professional translation, you must pay attention to understanding relevant common sense and knowledge. Therefore, in the process of legal translation, we must pay attention to the combination of legal knowledge. Do not translate indiscriminately according to your own understanding.


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