


  Shanghai Zhenyun translation company tells you that in Business English translation, we should express the accurate and faithful information in the source language in the target language, and enable readers to obtain information equal to the original content, that is, information equivalence. In the process of translation, translators should use accurate words and clear concepts, especially accurate units and numbers. Compared with other language expressions, business English pays more attention to the accuracy and faithfulness of content, so that the whole translation can achieve the purpose of use.


  1. Try to be professional in translation


  This is mainly because business English involves trade, business, marketing, finance and other theories and objects, and presents strong language professionalism.


  Abbreviations of some familiar and frequently used business English words, such as Bill of lading, world bank, World Trade Organization, etc; Some are commonly used words such as economic policy, holding company, (currency) devaluation, etc; There are also some new words that are increasing in the development of business and trade, such as consolidated debt, third-party logistics and e-payment. These new words enrich the content of business English.


  2. The translation content is accurate and rigorous


  In fact, translation is to reproduce information in different languages. Therefore, in Business English translation, we should also pay attention to the faithfulness of business English translation. Only in this way can both parties clearly understand the requirements and principles, and the communication on this basis has substantive significance. It is obvious that the translation of numbers in Business English is a very important content, and once the translator is negligent, it may cause immeasurable losses.


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