


  Mechanical translation has high professional requirements. When choosing words, we must pay attention to choosing correct words without multiple meanings. What is the method of mechanical translation shared by Shanghai Zhenyun translation company?


  1. Literal translation of nouns


  In mechanical translation, most nouns can be translated directly according to the original meaning of the word. For nominal professional terms, proper nouns and abbreviations, in addition to free translation, transliteration and form translation can also be used.


  2. Literal translation of verbs

  英汉语中的谓语行为动词大都可按字面的意义进行翻译。用的最多的英语连系动词 “be”的谓语变化形式和汉语“是” 或 “为” 的翻译方法相同。

  Most predicate action verbs in English and Chinese can be translated literally. The change of the predicate of the English conjunctory verb "be" is the same as that of the Chinese "yes" or "Wei".


  3. Translation of nouns


  In machine translation, gerund expressing action concept, abstract action noun with action meaning and noun derived from verb can often be transformed into Chinese verb according to specific conditions.


  4. Translation of verbs


  Some predicate verbs in English should not be translated according to Chinese verbs, but should be translated into Chinese nouns, so as to meet the expression habits of Chinese.


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