


  Many enterprises need contracts for cooperation, and multinational enterprises will also translate. What are the principles of contract translation shared by Shanghai Zhenyun translation company?


  Fairness and justice: in contract translation, the most taboo is to use hands and feet in the contract. Especially because they have a relationship with which party, or because of their own self-interest. After all, the contract is used to protect the rights and interests of both parties. If you move your hands and feet, there must be differences between the translation and the original text, and the interests of either party will be affected. If it is a professional translation, this mistake is impossible to make.


  The principle of format should be observed: every translator should pay attention to that any contract has legal effect, and any carelessness will lead to the invalidation of the contract. Therefore, in the process of contract translation, the format should be in accordance with the original format. There should be no big deviation in the format. If the contract becomes invalid, it will affect the rights and interests of both parties.


  Accuracy guarantee: the contract will inevitably involve some amount and time. The translation of these details and figures must be accurate. Otherwise, it is likely that the carelessness of the interpreter will lead to the loss of interests of one party.


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