


  Good vocalization is very important for professional interpreters, so interpreters must practice their vocalization well. Next, Shanghai Zhenyun translation company will share with you how interpreters practice their vocalization well?


  1、 Using sound


  When expressing, the interpreter should first enunciate clearly and pronounce standard. The interpreter is a speaker to the audience, so that the audience can hear clearly and understand easily. Voice training can be carried out by reading aloud, speaking and tongue twisters. The interpreter shall find out the problems such as vague pronunciation and unclear enunciation in time and make targeted corrections.


  The interpreter's voice should be loud. He should learn to pronounce with Dantian instead of throat. The sound quality shall be as soft and pleasant as possible. The interpreter keeps enough volume and appropriate sound quality, which is not only a sign of confidence, but also conducive to overcoming tension.


  Sound training can be carried out through a large number of reading exercises. Another form of practice is to give a speech on the same speech material at a fast, slow and alternating speed.


  This kind of practice is mainly aimed at the situation that the speaker sometimes suddenly changes his speaking speed, such as ending his speech in advance due to time constraints. The interpreter can also make corresponding adjustments. When practicing, the interpreter should keep the sound quality and volume consistent, and should not make the audience feel too abrupt changes. Even if the speed changes, the interpreter should keep the sound stable and pleasant.


  Translators should also pay attention to the use of microphones in sound production. Since most interpreters transmit sound through the microphone during work, they must pay attention to reasonable control of sound production, keep a distance between their mouth and the microphone, and avoid nervous wheezing and other additional sounds transmitted through the microphone, which will affect the expression of the translation.


  2、 Grasp the rhythm


  The interpreter should keep a steady rhythm and a reasonable sentence. Proper pause can help the audience better understand and grasp the speaker's intention and listen to the speech more actively. Therefore, translators should pay attention to the change of rhythm and pause reasonably when speaking and interpreting.


  This ability can be developed through reading practice. When reading aloud, take the meaning group as the unit, pay attention to the position and pause time of broken sentences, and invite peers to be listeners to check the effect of reading aloud and help find problems.


  3、 Adjust tone


  Tone is the most direct signal to reflect the speaker's emotional color. It includes questioning, exclamation, anger, complaining, relief, emphasis, etc. The interpreter can watch more videos of various speeches in his daily practice, figure out the use of different tones of the speaker, imagine that he is the speaker, and re interpret the previous speech like an actor, so as to be similar in spirit and form.


  In addition, the translator's tone should be consistent with the occasion as far as possible: if the translation occasion is solemn and solemn, try not to be too humorous and casual; On the contrary, in informal occasions, if the speaker's tone is more ridicule, the interpreter should also be relaxed and humorous in translation.


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