


  Technical translation needs to be accurate and professional. Shanghai Zhenyun translation company will show you what matters need to be paid attention to in technical translation?


  1. Literal translation


  Technical translation begins with trying literal translation or word for word translation. Professional terminology calls it formal equivalence because it strictly follows the exact vocabulary of the source language. This is the most direct way to translate one language into another. Problems quickly arise when a word in the source language leads to a completely meaningless word in the target language. Technical accuracy does not always provide the best or expected meaning.


  Some words and fixed expressions cannot be translated word by word without distortion or loss of meaning. With technical translation, it becomes more important to overcome these challenges. Medical language uses industry-specific terms, usually in alternate spellings of different target languages.


  In addition, medical abbreviations can and do mean different things in different languages. Medical translation is an example of technical translation. It must be accurate, because any inaccuracy will have serious consequences.


  It is a serious mistake to entrust your technical translation project to a non professional or machine translation program. Word for word translation usually mistranslates or completely ignores important parts of the text, especially when the technical language contains complex or industry-specific terms.


  2. Ignore cultural differences


  When direct "word for word" translation is not enough to reflect cultural phrases and nuances, common translation errors will occur. In this case, translators often use adaptation, that is, using other words or phrases in the target language to convey the meaning of the original text.


  In order to avoid potential serious translation errors, the translator must go beyond the literal meaning of words. According to the cultural background, it is very important to identify the meaning of words in specific situations. Although some people claim that this method is very subjective, it is still considered a useful and necessary means to adapt the source language to the target language, especially for untranslatable words.


  When cultural differences cause confusion, similar words or phrases are replaced to convey the correct meaning.


  3. Don't understand the subject


  Too many common translation errors are simply lack of working knowledge of the subject to be translated. This is especially true for technical translation projects.


  Words or terms of specific industries that cannot be accurately translated from one language to another. Before selecting appropriate replacement words or terms, we must first understand their use environment. In addition, it is a serious translation error to select an unclear word in the target language that does not conform to the context of use.


  Although most translators may be able to translate words word by word, translators with subject-matter expertise have an understanding of the meaning of these words. This important qualification means that you can rely on an accurate technical translation, which includes cultural differences, regional dialects and correct industry terms.


  There is no substitute for years of training, education and experience in specific technical fields. Subject matter experts are proficient in the content and terminology used in technical translation because they have worked in related industries.


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