


  Before starting the translation, because we don't know the real strength of the translator and the translation company, we can ask for trial translation to make a general judgment and understanding. Especially if your translation is small, the effect of trial translation is very good.


  Generally speaking, if it is a trial translation, the translation company will basically arrange some professional people to translate. If your task is small, then whether it is formal translation or trial translation, the translator is the same person, and the quality is naturally the same.


  The quality of the test translation is reflected only after the finished product is available. Therefore, at the beginning, we can only understand the translation company from its staffing, operation process and company scale. However, the general enterprise scale and the final translation quality can be directly proportional.


  The translation company reminds you that due to different task sizes, the translation methods adopted are also different. In other words, if the task is relatively major, it can basically be carried out in a phased way. In this way, with the quality of the previous translation, we can judge the quality of the later translation. Therefore, this method is also more stable.


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