


  In the process of translation, translators of translation companies can use some skills to improve their work efficiency. What skills do you have in English-Chinese translation?


  1. There is no conceptual difference between singular and plural nouns in Chinese, and verbs in English change in tense, but verbs in Chinese do not, and articles do not exist in Chinese. This requires translators to add necessary articles, plural and pay attention to the change of tense when translating from Chinese to English.


  2. The grammatical structure in Chinese is different from that in English. Chinese attaches importance to the comprehension between sentences and ignores the integrity of sentences. However, the subject predicate structure of English is particularly strict, which requires translators to supplement the subject predicate relationship of complete Chinese Ellipsis when translating Chinese into English.


  3. Chinese attaches importance to artistic conception, but when translating from Chinese to English, we must complete the omitted words in Chinese in order to make the content of English and Chinese the same.


  4. In Chinese, some nouns appear many times to emphasize, but in Chinese-English translation, this repetition can be omitted.


  5. Some nouns in Chinese only refer to the broad scope without specific meaning. At this time, this kind of vocabulary can be omitted without translation.


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