


  The so-called basic literacy refers to the basic conditions that translators must have, that is, the basic requirements of translation companies for translators. In addition to having a noble "German translation style" and a serious and meticulous scientific attitude, the translator must have three qualities, namely, a certain level of English, high Chinese cultivation and rich professional knowledge. A large number of translation practice shows that the higher the literacy of these three aspects, the more successful the translation can be. As for English level, we should pay attention to laying a solid foundation, expanding vocabulary and reading widely. It is best to train in five aspects of listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation at the same time, which can improve English level faster than single attack translation. In Chinese cultivation, we should strengthen the study of grammar, logic, rhetoric and other knowledge, read more, write more, practice more and modify articles. In terms of discipline and professional knowledge, we should strive to be proficient in our own business and understand more relevant professional knowledge; Regularly read domestic and foreign nursing journals to master the development trend of the discipline.


  Translation is a creative language activity with strong practicality. To improve translation ability without a lot of practice is like learning to swim without getting into the water. Of course, practice should also pay attention to scientificity. If beginners do not have expert advice, it is best to find some materials with difficulty suitable for their own level and Chinese translation for translation practice. When one's own translation is written, it is compared with the translation of others. First look at whether you are accurate in understanding, and then look at whether your expression is in line with Chinese language habits, so as to find deficiencies. With the improvement of the level, you can find some relatively simple articles on the basic knowledge of the specialty for translation, and then gradually transition to the translation of English nursing literature. Adhering to step-by-step and more translations and contributions will be fruitful. If time permits, it's best to do some translation every day. With the passage of time, we will make great progress.


  On the one hand, beginners of translation can read more English-Chinese comparative reading materials or English reading materials with Chinese notes; On the other hand, you can also find the corresponding original text according to the source of the original text of a translation provided by translation magazines, and then read it in comparison. Through comparative analysis, we can find out our own gap, learn and absorb the strengths of others in understanding the spirit of the original text and translation expression, and promote the improvement of translation ability. If you choose your own material for translation, when you encounter problems that are difficult to solve, you should ask others for advice with an open mind. In addition, reading some books about translation skills often also helps to improve translation ability. At the same time, we should also have the spirit of daring to innovate. In the process of translation, we can neither stick to the translation provided by others, nor be bound by the rules formed in the past. With the continuous improvement of translation ability, we can create new means of expression according to the requirements of translation standards and further improve the translation work.


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