


  For those who want to be engaged in Japanese interpretation, listening must be practiced. How to practice Japanese will be shared by Shanghai Zhenyun artificial translation agency?


  1. Hard listening to NHK news is the standard pronunciation. If you listen to it too much, you will die without fear of scalding. Look up the new words that appear many times in the dictionary.


  2. If you want to understand your vocabulary sentence by sentence, it must be large enough. That's the principle that every drop of water makes a river, which is proportional to your work.


  3. Working is an opportunity to experience life and learn life conversation. Try to talk and listen to the Japanese. For example, the flow operation of processing parts is to exchange life and time for the money of your labor force. You can't make much progress in Japanese, and you can't make more than one arrow. However, sometimes people can't help but bow their heads under the eaves, and it's not bad to do some fast money jobs.


  4. Listen attentively. Japanese is a very ambiguous language. According to the context, Hu Meng's ability to guess at random must be cultivated.


  5. Sort out the new words you have learned and memorize them repeatedly. Only in this way can you not lose money.


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