


  Although interpretation and translation are the work of translation companies, there are significant differences between them. First of all, there are about three differences between them. Theory, skills and requirements are very different.


  The characteristic of general interpretation is that it can be expressed very quickly. For example, it can be said by mouth that everyone is clear. But our interpretation has to be written, so that we can know that you have this ability.


  Translation is very particular about wording. It needs to be carefully worded. Translators need to use working books when they are working. Our interpreters generally don't need to use any working books and need to translate things in a short time.

  具体点讲就是 :书上的大部分的口译原文其实都是根据笔译来写。如果是真正的口译翻译过来的东西绝大多数都是非常的口语化的,没有一点英语语言水平的人四完全看不懂的。

  To be specific, most of the interpretation texts in the book are actually written according to the translation. If it is a real interpretation, most of the translated things are very colloquial, and people who have no English language level can't understand them at all.


  There are many clauses and jumbled sentence structures in the translated sentences, so relatively speaking, interpretation is simpler than translation. It's OK to speak out, and there's no need to study too many holding structures.


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