


  Legal translation is very rigorous. Faithfulness to the original text is a special aspect of legal translation. Next, Shanghai Zhenyun translation company will share with you what requirements you need to know to engage in legal translation?


  1. Professional. For legal translators, what they need to know is not only the professional knowledge of language, but also the knowledge of law. If they only know one aspect, it is not enough. No company will hire such a legal consultant. Because if you only understand the knowledge of law, you can't make good use of legal knowledge to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the company in translation, but it won't work if you only understand the professional knowledge of language. Therefore, only strong professional skills can serve customers well.


  2. Accuracy. This is the same as the previous one. It also requires strong professional knowledge. Only by being well-informed and accurate can translation play a good role. For any translation major, if the translation is not accurate, all the work will be in vain. It can be said that accuracy is the basis for legal translation. Only by laying a solid foundation can the work be stable.


  3. Fairness. As a legal translator, everything is very rigorous in front of the law. A slight difference will cause extremely serious consequences. Therefore, when translating the law, we must always take fairness as the premise. This is also complementary to the above two articles. Only by mastering solid translation skills, strong professional knowledge and accuracy of translation can we ensure fairness and justice in the process of work. Therefore, if you want to engage in this industry, you must do the above three points, so that you can well safeguard the interests of customers.


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